You can apply by clicking the application button on our website and filling out the relevant form.

After you apply, Business Development and Project Coordination experts examine the applications in detail. A draft presentation for a demo presentation is sent to successful entrepreneur candidates.

The presentation time is 5 minutes and INNO:14 presentations are made every Monday between 16:00-17:00.

Yes. Applications are taken online only.


You may have more than one ongoing project after being accepted to INNO:14.

Yes. You can apply again.

Events organized for INNO:14 members are free of charge.

Entrepreneur Member: can use for a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 months.

Member: Can use for minimum 1, maximum 12 months.

Applications are examined only by INNO:14 officials. Afterwards, it is sent to the eveluators for exempt applications, each eveluator has a confidentiality agreement.

Only Entrepreneurial Members can benefit from the Law and Regulation of Technology Development Zones numbered 4691.